Cosmos Kit


Code Structure

To make user better understand the whole design structure of CosmosKit, here to briefly introduce some important classes from @cosmos-kit/core.

There are four important classes.

  • WalletManager
  • MainWalletBase
  • ChainWalletBase
  • WalletRepo

Before all, we need to clarify that there are two types of entities in CosmosKit as a wallet adapter: Chain and Wallet. Chain is identified by chain name i.e. cosmoshub, osmosis etc. And wallet is identified by wallet name i.e. keplr-extension, keplr-mobile, cosmostation-extension etc.

Note that we're taking a single wallet application as a wallet in CosmosKit rather than the wallet product name. Taking Keplr as an example, we diffientiate extension and mobile in our code because they are connected via totally different codes. So for product Keplr, we have two wallets keplr-extension and keplr-mobile in CosmosKit.


WalletManager is the entrance of the whole code and it manages all WalletRepo, MainWalletBase, ChainWalletBase instances in it. It also corresponds to ChainProvider in @cosmos-kit/react-lite and @cosmos-kit/react. You can find that the properties of JSX element ChainProvider are almost the same with the constructor arguments of WalletManager. All necesssary chain information and wallet information from ChainProvider will be passed to corresponding wallet classes via WalletManager.

Three important properties/arguments in ChainProvider/WalletManager are chains, assetLists and wallets. chains and assetLists provide chain information, and wallets provides wallet information. Actually wallets is an array of MainWalletBase instances. Here leads to the second class MainWalletBase.


MainWalletBase is meant to provide a base implementation and unified interface for all different wallets like keplr-extension, keplr-mobile and cosmostation-extension. Basically every wallet has it's own MainWallet class, which extends MainWalletBase in common, but with WalletClient implemented in different ways. In this way WalletManager can handle all different wallets no matter how different they're inside.

For practice you can take a look at How to Integrate New Wallets into CosmosKit

MainWalletBase is only about wallet and it's not about any specifical chain. And it's responsible for initializing wallet client and managing all chain wallets. Here brings in the third class ChainWalletBase.

So far MainWalletBase is dealing with four different broadcast/synchronization events for chain wallets.

  • broadcast_client
  • broadcast_env
  • sync_connect
  • sync_disconnect

See details below.


When you're trying to connect to a wallet, you always need to provide a target chain name so that the wallet knows what to response. So ChainWalletBase is the class actually being used for real connection. It's the finest grain of functionality that with chain specified and also wallet specified.

We're separating MainWalletBase and ChainWalletBase because it's clearer to put some common properties like wallet client and env in the MainWalletBase to enable centralized management and distribution (events broadcast_client and broadcast_env), and put only chain specified functionalities in ChainWalletBase.

Basically how many chains are provided in ChainProvider or WalletManager, how many ChainWalletBase instances will be constructed for a wallet. ChainWalletBase instances are independent with each other unless sync is set true. All the synchronization are also handled in MainWalletBase (events sync_connect and sync_disconnect).


We have a class MainWalletBase with wallet specified to manage all chain wallets. All these chain wallets are with the same wallet name but different chain name. Accordingly we also have another class WalletRepo, which with chain specified to manage all chain wallets that with the same chain name but different wallet name.

MainWalletBase vs. WalletRepo

1. MainWalletBase

  • Purpose: Manages a collection of chain wallets.
  • Key Identifier: Wallet name.
  • Example: It handles wallets like cosmoshub/keplr-extension, osmosis/keplr-extension, etc. These are wallets from different chains but with the same wallet name.

2. WalletRepo

  • Purpose: Manages chain wallets too, but with a different approach.
  • Key Identifier: Chain name.
  • Example: It manages wallets like cosmoshub/keplr-extension, cosmoshub/keplr-mobile, etc. These are wallets from the same chain but with different wallet names.

Common Point

  • Both MainWalletBase and WalletRepo are involved in managing chain wallets, which are wallets associated with different blockchain networks.

Key Differences

  • MainWalletBase: Focuses on managing wallets based on the wallet’s name. It doesn’t matter what chain the wallet is from; as long as they share the same wallet name, MainWalletBase manages them.
  • WalletRepo: Concentrates on managing wallets based on the chain’s name. Here, the specific wallet names don’t matter; WalletRepo groups and manages wallets that are on the same blockchain network.

Practical Use

  • In some decentralized applications (dapps), the focus might be more on the blockchain network (chain) rather than the wallet itself. In such cases, WalletRepo is particularly useful because it provides a perspective based on the chain, allowing different wallets on the same chain to be managed together.


  • MainWalletBase: Manages wallets across different chains but with the same wallet name.
  • WalletRepo: Manages different wallets on the same chain.

In essence, these two classes offer different ways of organizing and accessing chain wallets, based on what the primary point of interest is (wallet name or chain name).

So far WalletRepo is only used in WalletModal (opens in a new tab) properties.