Cosmos Kit
Integrating Wallets
Adding New Wallets

How to Integrate New Wallets into CosmosKit

Quickly Add Extension Wallets

  1. Copy files in Leap Extension (opens in a new tab) to your package;

  2. Replace Leap with your wallet name (with first letter capitalized) globally;

  3. Replace leap with your wallet name (with first letter in lowercase) globally;

  4. Edit file client.ts, registry.ts, types.ts and utils.ts. Replace what is different from Leap with the new wallet specificated methods/properties.

  5. Construct the MainWallet (class in main-wallet.ts) instance and put it into ChainProvider wallets property.

Quickly Add Mobile Wallets

For wallets support Wallet Connect v2.0 (opens in a new tab)

  1. Copy files in Keplr Mobile (opens in a new tab) to your package;

  2. Replace Keplr with your wallet name (with first letter capitalized) globally;

  3. Replace keplr with your wallet name (with first letter in lowercase) globally;

  4. Edit file client.ts, registry.ts and types.ts. Replace what is different from Keplr with the new wallet specificated methods/properties. For client.ts, the main replacement would happen in getAppUrl and the method parameter of sendCustomRequest

  5. Construct the MainWallet (class in main-wallet.ts) instance and put it into ChainProvider wallets property.

Add New Wallets from Scratch

1️⃣ Prepare basic information for wallet

Required properties

nameWalletName = stringidentifier
prettyNamestringdisplay name
modeWalletMode = 'extension' | 'wallet-connect'wallet client type
mobileDisabled*booleandisplay on mobile or not
walletconnect{ name: string; projectId: string; encoding?: BufferEncoding }only required when you are integrating mobile wallets based on walletconnect (opens in a new tab). If encoding is undefined, by default using hex to encode bytes

* Usually true when mode is wallet-connect, false when mode is extension.

Optional properties

rejectMessagestring | { source: string; target?: string }rejectMessage or rejectMessage.source is error message string thrown by wallet app/extension when user rejects, while is message returned by hooks. If not provided, target would be 'Request Rejected!'
connectEventNamesOnWindowstring[]window event names to fire auto-connect
connectEventNamesOnClientstring[]wallet client event names to fire auto-connect (make sure on and off methods are defined in WalletClient)
downloadsDownloadInfo[] (opens in a new tab)wallet app/extension download information
logostring | { major: string, minor: string }wallet logo url, display on default modal. For MetaMask Snaps, use logo: { major: METAMASK_LOGO, minor: WALLET_LOGO }
extends'MetaMask'indicate it's a MetaMask Snap


2️⃣ Implement WalletClient

MainWallet is a class organizing all ChainWallets. It should extend MainWalletBase class, in which protected _chainWallets property stores all ChainWallets.

Required methods

getSimpleAccount(chainId: string) => Promise<SimpleAccount>return account with address but without pubkey and algo

Optional methods

getAccount(chainId: string) => Promise<WalletAccount>*return account with address, pubkey and algo
getOfflineSigner(chainId: string, preferredSignType?: SignType) => Promise<OfflineSigner>prioritize returning preferredSignType (by default amino) corresponding signer if it is available, otherwise return siger that is provided.
enable(chainIds: string | string[]) => Promise<void>give permission for the webpage to access wallet
addChain(chainInfo: ChainRecord) => Promise<void>add new Cosmos-SDK based blockchains that isn't natively integrated to wallet app/extension
on(type: string, listener: EventListenerOrEventListenerObject) => voidadd event listener
off(type: string, listener: EventListenerOrEventListenerObject) => voidremove event listener


3️⃣ Extend ChainWalletBase

Create a ChainWallet class that extends ChainWalletBase. ChainWallet provides wallet information for a particular chain, e.g. address, offlineSigner, etc.

ChainWalletBase has implemented a bunch of methods such as wallet connection, sign, broadcast, etc. [learn more]. Therefore, normally you don't need to do any extra work inside ChainWallet. But feel free to overwrite these methods or add new methods/properties if customization is needed to meet new demand.


4️⃣ Extend MainWalletBase

Create a MainWallet class that extends MainWalletBase. MainWallet organizes all ChainWallets, which are stored in protected member _chainWallets.

Note: Class ChainWallet created in Step 3 is required in MainWalletBase construction.

Required methods

initClient() => void | Promise<void>*

* WalletClient is the one implemented in Step 2.

Also, feel free to overwrite methods in MainWalletBase or add new methods/properties if necessary.


5️⃣ Get MainWallet instance

You can construct your MainWallet Instance according to your MainWallet construct method now. Usually the walletInfo object prepared in Step 1 is imported here as a construction argument.


Last but not least, append this instance to the wallets property of ChainProvider.

6️⃣ Don't Forget To Update Docs

Add Mardown File just like other wallets here (opens in a new tab).