


Starship is a unified development environment that allows Cosmos developers to spin up a fully simulated mini-cosmos ecosystem and write end-to-end test cases

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⚡️ How to use Starship? Follow the Steps 1 to 4 in Get Started section

Projects using Starship

OsmoJS (opens in a new tab)

JS library using Starship to run end-to-end tests against Osmosis chain. (Run in CI/CD)

persistenceCore (opens in a new tab)

Persistence Core chain using Starship to test chain upgrades. (Run in CI/CD)


CosmJS based e2e testing (opens in a new tab)

Setup chain multiple chains, write e2e tests for governance, staking and osmosis specific txns. Run tests with JS using CosmJS. Run tests with Golang

Chain Upgrade E2E test (opens in a new tab)

Setup chain with cosmovisor setup with different chain version binaries. Run tests with Golang

Multi chain setup (opens in a new tab)

Multi chain setup with 2 chains with 4 validators, a ts-relayer between them and the explorer