
Stargate Clients

Every module gets their own signing client. This example demonstrates for the osmosis module.

Use getSigningOsmosisClient to get your SigningStargateClient, with the Osmosis proto/amino messages full-loaded. No need to manually add amino types, just require and initialize the client:

import { getSigningOsmosisClient } from 'osmojs';
const client = await getSigningOsmosisClient({
  signer // OfflineSigner

Creating Signers

To broadcast messages, you'll want to use either keplr (opens in a new tab) or an OfflineSigner from cosmjs using mnemonics.

Amino Signer

Likely you'll want to use the Amino, so unless you need proto, you should use this one:

import { getOfflineSigner as getOfflineSignerAmino } from 'cosmjs-utils';

Proto Signer

import { getOfflineSigner as getOfflineSignerProto } from 'cosmjs-utils';

WARNING: NOT RECOMMENDED TO USE PLAIN-TEXT MNEMONICS. Please take care of your security and use best practices such as AES encryption and/or methods from 12factor applications.

import { chains } from 'chain-registry';
const mnemonic =
  'unfold client turtle either pilot stock floor glow toward bullet car science';
  const chain = chains.find(({ chain_name }) => chain_name === 'osmosis');
  const signer = await getOfflineSigner({

Broadcasting messages

Now that you have your client, you can broadcast messages:

import { signAndBroadcast } from '@osmosnauts/helpers';
const res = await signAndBroadcast({
  client, // SigningStargateClient
  chainId: 'osmosis-1', // use 'osmo-test-4' for testnet
  msgs: [msg],
  memo: ''

LCD Clients

For querying data via REST endpoints, you can use LCD Clients. For a better developer experience, you can generate a factory of scoped bundles of all LCD Clients with the lcdClients option.

const options: TelescopeOptions = {
    lcdClients: {
        enabled: true;

If you use the lcdClients.scoped array, you can scope to only the modules of your interest.

const options: TelescopeOptions = {
  lcdClients: {
    enabled: true,
    scoped: [
        dir: 'osmosis',
        filename: 'custom-lcd-client.ts',
        packages: [
        addToBundle: true,
        methodName: 'createCustomLCDClient'
        dir: 'evmos',
        filename: 'custom-lcd-client.ts',
        packages: [
        addToBundle: true,
        methodName: 'createEvmosLCDClient'

This will generate a nice helper in the ClientFactory, which you can then use to query multiple modules from a single object:

import { osmosis } from './codegen';
const main = async () => {
   const client = await osmosis.ClientFactory.createLCDClient({ restEndpoint: REST_ENDPOINT });
   // now you can query the modules
   const pool = await client.osmosis.gamm.v1beta1.pool({ poolId: "1" });
   const balance = await{ address: 'osmo1addresshere' });

LCD Clients Classes

If you want to instantiate a single client, for any module that has a Query type, there will be a LCDQueryClient object:

import { osmosis } from "osmojs";
export const main = async () => {
    const requestClient = new LCDClient({ restEndpoint: REST_ENDPOINT });
    const client = new osmosis.gamm.v1beta1.LCDQueryClient({ requestClient });
    const pools = await client.pools();
main().then(() => {
    console.log('all done')

RPC Clients

Tendermint Client

For querying data via RPC endpoints, you can use RPC Clients. For a better developer experience, you can generate a factory of scoped bundles of all RPC Clients with the rpcClients option.

const options: TelescopeOptions = {
  rpcClients: {
    type: 'tendermint',
    enabled: true,
    camelCase: true

If you use the rpcClients.scoped array, you can scope to only the modules of your interest. gRPC-web and gRPC-gateway work the same way with this option.

const options: TelescopeOptions = {
  rpcClients: {
    enabled: true,
    camelCase: true,
    scoped: [
        dir: 'osmosis',
        filename: 'osmosis-rpc-client.ts',
        packages: [
        addToBundle: true,
        methodNameQuery: 'createRPCQueryClient',
        methodNameTx: 'createRPCTxClient'

This will generate helpers createRPCQueryClient and createRPCTxClient in the ClientFactory, which you can then use to query multiple modules from a single object:

import { osmosis } from './codegen';
const main = async () => {
  const client = await osmosis.ClientFactory.createRPCQueryClient({ rpcEndpoint });
  // now you can query the modules
  const pool = await client.osmosis.gamm.v1beta1.pool({ poolId: "1" });
  const balance = await{ address: 'osmo1addresshere' });

gRPC-web Client

For querying data via gRPC-web endpoints, you can use gRPC-web Clients. For a better developer experience, you can generate a factory of scoped bundles of all gRPC-web Clients with the rpcClients option.

const options: TelescopeOptions = {
  rpcClients: {
    type: 'grpc-web',
    enabled: true,
    camelCase: true

This will generate helpers createGrpcWebClient and createGrpcMsgClient in the ClientFactory, which you can then use to query multiple modules from a single object, if you need an example with scaffold and broadcast msg you can refer to the example below in grpc-gateway:

import { osmosis } from './codegen';
const main = async () => {
  const client = await osmosis.ClientFactory.createGrpcWebClient({ endpoint });
  // now you can query the modules
  const pool = await client.osmosis.gamm.v1beta1.pool({ poolId: "1" });
  const balance = await{ address: 'osmo1addresshere' });

gRPC-gateway Client

For querying data via gRPC-web endpoints, you can use gRPC-web Clients. For a better developer experience, you can generate a factory of scoped bundles of all gRPC-web Clients with the rpcClients option.

const options: TelescopeOptions = {
  rpcClients: {
    type: 'grpc-gateway',
    enabled: true,
    camelCase: true

This will generate helpers createGrpcGateWayClient in the ClientFactory, which you can then use to query multiple modules from a single object:

import { osmosis } from './codegen';
const main = async () => {
  // endpoint here is lcd endpoint
  const client = await osmosis.ClientFactory.createGrpcGateWayClient({ endpoint });
  // now you can query the modules
  const pool = await client.osmosis.gamm.v1beta1.pool({ poolId: "1" });
  const balance = await{ address: 'osmo1addresshere' });

Below will be an example of scaffold a grant Proto Msg for grpc-web and grpc-gateway and then broadcast it.

  const { grant } = cosmos.authz.v1beta1.MessageComposer.withTypeUrl;
  const msg = grant({
      granter: 'granter_address',
      grantee: 'grantee_address',
      grant: {
        authorization: StakeAuthorization.toProtoMsg({
          maxTokens: {
                  denom: 'uosmo',
                  amount: '100000000'
                authorizationType: AuthorizationType.AUTHORIZATION_TYPE_DELEGATE
            expiration: new Date( + 60 * 60 * 24 * 7)
    const signed_tx = await signClient.sign('granter_address', [msg], fee, 'telescope: grant', signerData);
    const txRawBytes = Uint8Array.from(TxRaw.encode(signed_tx).finish());
    const res = await client.cosmos.tx.v1beta1.broadcastTx(
        txBytes: txRawBytes,
        mode: BroadcastMode.BROADCAST_MODE_BLOCK

RPC Client Classes

If you want to instantiate a single client, you can generate RPC classes with the rpcClients option;

For any module that has a Msg, Query or Service type, a

import { osmosis, cosmos } from 'osmojs';
const MsgClient = osmosis.gamm.v1beta1.MsgClientImpl;
const QueryClient = osmosis.gamm.v1beta1.QueryClientImpl;
const ServiceClient = cosmos.base.tendermint.v1beta1.ServiceClientImpl;

Here is an example of making a query if you want to use the RPC client classes manually:

import { osmosis } from "osmojs";
import { createProtobufRpcClient, QueryClient } from "@cosmjs/stargate";
import { Tendermint34Client } from "@cosmjs/tendermint-rpc";
export const main = async () => {
    const tmClient = await Tendermint34Client.connect(RPC_ENDPOINT);
    const QueryClientImpl = osmosis.gamm.v1beta1.QueryClientImpl;
    const client = new QueryClient(tmClient);
    const rpc = createProtobufRpcClient(client);
    const queryService = new QueryClientImpl(rpc);
    const pools = await queryService.pools({})
main().then(() => {
    console.log('all done')

Instant RPC Methods

Using instantOps option to expose instant RPC methods.

For example, for this config:

    instantOps: [
        className: "OsmosisClaim",
        include: {
          patterns: ["osmosis.**.*claim*"],
        className: "CosmosAuthAccount",
        include: {
          patterns: [
        nameMapping: {
          // name mapping rule for both Msg and Query methods.
          // moduleAccounts will be renamed to authModuleAccounts in generated class.
          All: {
            authModuleAccounts: "cosmos.auth.v1beta1.moduleAccounts",
          // name mapping rule for Msg methods.
          Msg: {
            // deposit method under Msg will be renamed to txDeposit in generated class. While deposit method under Query will remain the same.
            txDeposit: "",
            // Same for vote method.
            txVote: "",

There'll be an extra file generated in the root folder called service-ops.ts:

export interface OsmosisClaim extends _OsmosisClaimV1beta1Queryrpc.OsmosisClaim {}
export class OsmosisClaim {
  rpc: TxRpc;
  init(rpc: TxRpc) {
    this.rpc = rpc;
    this.claimRecord = _OsmosisClaimV1beta1Queryrpc.createClientImpl(rpc).claimRecord;
    this.claimableForAction = _OsmosisClaimV1beta1Queryrpc.createClientImpl(rpc).claimableForAction;
export interface CosmosAuthAccount extends _CosmosAuthV1beta1Queryrpc.CosmosAuthAccount, _CosmosGovV1beta1Queryrpc.CosmosAuthAccount, _CosmosGovV1beta1Txrpc.CosmosAuthAccount {}
export class CosmosAuthAccount {
  rpc: TxRpc;
  init(rpc: TxRpc) {
    this.rpc = rpc;
    this.accounts = _CosmosAuthV1beta1Queryrpc.createClientImpl(rpc).accounts;
    this.account = _CosmosAuthV1beta1Queryrpc.createClientImpl(rpc).account;
    // moduleAccounts has been renamed to authModuleAccounts as the nameMapping in settings.
    this.authModuleAccounts = _CosmosAuthV1beta1Queryrpc.createClientImpl(rpc).moduleAccounts;
    this.proposal = _CosmosGovV1beta1Queryrpc.createClientImpl(rpc).proposal;
    this.proposals = _CosmosGovV1beta1Queryrpc.createClientImpl(rpc).proposals;
    // vote under Query remains the same. = _CosmosGovV1beta1Queryrpc.createClientImpl(rpc).vote;
    this.votes = _CosmosGovV1beta1Queryrpc.createClientImpl(rpc).votes;
    this.params = _CosmosGovV1beta1Queryrpc.createClientImpl(rpc).params;
    // deposit under Query remains the same.
    this.deposit = _CosmosGovV1beta1Queryrpc.createClientImpl(rpc).deposit;
    this.deposits = _CosmosGovV1beta1Queryrpc.createClientImpl(rpc).deposits;
    this.tallyResult = _CosmosGovV1beta1Queryrpc.createClientImpl(rpc).tallyResult;
    this.submitProposal = _CosmosGovV1beta1Txrpc.createClientImpl(rpc).submitProposal;
    //same as txDeposite for vote here.
    this.txVote = _CosmosGovV1beta1Txrpc.createClientImpl(rpc).vote;
    this.voteWeighted = _CosmosGovV1beta1Txrpc.createClientImpl(rpc).voteWeighted;
    // deposit method under Msg will be renamed to txDeposit in generated class. While deposit method under Query will remain the same.
    this.txDeposit = _CosmosGovV1beta1Txrpc.createClientImpl(rpc).deposit;