Get Started
Step 4: Interact with the chains

Step 4: Interact with the chains

In this step, we will connect with the runnings nodes, check the logs and interact with the chains.

4.1) Prerequisites

Step-3 infrastructure should be up and running. Check the pods are in running state with

kubectl get pods
# You should see something like
NAME                        READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
explorer-5dd48ffc8d-jrtsh   1/1     Running   0          37m
gaia-1-genesis-0            2/2     Running   0          37m
hermes-osmos-gaia-0         1/1     Running   0          37m
osmosis-1-genesis-0         2/2     Running   0          37m
registry-7f9f9f9f9f-2q2q2   1/1     Running   0          37m

4.2) Connect to the cluster

Once the pods are in Running state, you can port forward all the nodes to local host with handy scripts

cd getting-started/
# Download the port-forward script
curl -Ls >
# Make it executable
chmod +x
# Run it with the config file
./ --config=starship.yaml

This will forward the ports of the nodes in the starship.yaml to your local machine.

4.3) Interact with the chains

You can then interact with the chain on localhost at

And open up the explorer at http://localhost:8080 (opens in a new tab)

Note explorer can take some extra time to get ready, we are trying to make explorer initialization faster. You can check the logs of the explorer pod to see if it is ready.

kubectl logs -l

Registry service endpoints

Registry service is a central service that keeps track of all the chains, keys, endpoints and ibc channels. It is based on the cosmos/chain-registry, with some customizations.

You can check the following endpoints on the registry service to get an idea of the infra:

4.4) Check chain logs

You can check the logs of the chain with

# Osmosis logs
kubectl logs osmosis-1-genesis-0
# OR, follow the logs with
kubectl logs -f osmosis-1-genesis-0
# Cosmos logs
kubectl logs gaia-1-genesis-0
# OR, follow the logs with
kubectl logs -f gaia-1-genesis-0

4.5) Cleanup

Once you are done with playing around, cleanup the resources with

# delete helm chart
helm delete tutorial
# cleanup port forwarding
pkill -f "port-forward"

Remove kind cluster (if used) with

kind delete clusters starship

If you are using Docker Desktop for kubernetes cluster, please Disable it in Settings, Kubernetes