Cosmos Kit
Chain Provider

Chain Provider provides necessary information for hooks.

There are two ChainProvider from two packages (@cosmos-kit/react and @cosmos-kit/react-lite) respectively. They are basically the same only except that ChainProvider from @cosmos-kit/react has more properties of default modal (See Properties for default modal below).

Note: preferredSignType in signerOptions determines which signer to use when signing document. By default using amino type.

Required Properties

These properties are shared by ChainProviders from @cosmos-kit/react and @cosmos-kit/react-lite.


Required property of type (Chain | string)[].

It defines supported chains. Any actions involving chains beyound it might cause errors.

If chain has been registered in @chain-registry/client, you can also simply provide chain name (type string) here and it'll fetch the chain information automatically.

See Chain schema (opens in a new tab).

adding localnet and testnets

Example of adding localosmosis


import { ChainProvider } from '@cosmos-kit/react';
import { wallets } from '@cosmos-kit/keplr';
import { assets, chains } from 'chain-registry';
import { getSigningCosmosClientOptions } from 'osmojs';
import { GasPrice } from '@cosmjs/stargate';
import { SignerOptions } from '@cosmos-kit/core';
import { Chain, AssetList } from '@chain-registry/types';
import { localosmosis, localosmosisAssets } from '../config/localosmosis';
function App({ Component, pageProps }: AppProps) {
  const localosmosis: Chain = {...}; // with chain_name: 'localosmosis'
  const localosmosisAssets: AssetList = {...}; // with chain_name: 'localosmosis'
  const signerOptions: SignerOptions = {
    signingStargate: (_chain: Chain) => {
      return getSigningCosmosClientOptions();
    signingCosmwasm: (chain: Chain) => {
      switch (chain.chain_name) {
        case 'localosmosis':
          return {
            gasPrice: GasPrice.fromString('0.0025uosmo')
  return (
        chains={[...chains, localosmosis]}
        assetLists={[...assets, localosmosisAssets]}
          endpoints: {
            localosmosis: {
              rpc: ['http://localhost:343434']
        walletConnectOptions={...} // required if `wallets` contains mobile wallets
        <Component {...pageProps} />


Required property of type MainWalletBase[]

It defines supported wallets. There are several wallets out of box.

import { wallets as keplrWallet } from "@cosmos-kit/keplr";
import { wallets as cosmostationWallets } from "@cosmos-kit/cosmostation";
import { wallets as leapwallets } from "@cosmos-kit/leap";

If you don't like the default wallet settings such as icon, app name (they would be displayed on default modal), you can choose to provide your own settings by importing wallets like this.

import { KeplrExtensionWallet, KeplrMobileWallet } from '@cosmos-kit/keplr';
const keplrExtensionInfo: Wallet = {...};
const keplrMobileInfo: Wallet = {...};
const keplrExtension = new KeplrExtensionWallet(keplrExtensionInfo);
const KeplrMobile = new KeplrMobileWallet(keplrMobileInfo);
export const wallets = [keplrExtension, KeplrMobile];

In addition, you can integrate new wallets in a few steps.

🔌 How to integrate new wallets into CosmosKit


Required when mobile wallets dependent on @comos-kit/walletconnect(implements walletconnect v2 connection) are added in wallets.

Type: WalletConnectOptions

export interface WalletConnectOptions {
  signClient: { projectId: string } & SignClientTypes.Options;

projectId is required and can be obtained from WalletConnect Cloud (opens in a new tab). Create (or use an existing) dapp project and copy its associated project id.

Optional Properties


Optional property of type AssetList[] (comes from chain-registry)

It provides chains related assets information. If not provided, will fetch assets information with @chain-registry/client according to the chain name provided in chains.

See AssetList schema (opens in a new tab).


Optional in most cases (Exception see useChain).

Type: ({ isOpen, setOpen, walletRepo }: WalletModalProps) => JSX.Element

Basically the order of wallets follows the order of property wallets in ChainProvider, except that all mobiles are moved to the back.

You can also define your own modal component with required props.

customize modal with walletModal

Suggest customizing modal with modalViews instead if you only need to customize modal UI without involving any customized data logic. modalViews provides an easy and fast way to partially change the default modal UI.

Example of using self-defined modal.


import * as React from 'react';
import { ChainProvider } from '@cosmos-kit/react';
// Define Modal Component
const MyModal = ({ isOpen, setOpen, walletRepo, theme }: WalletModalPropsV2) => {
  function onCloseModal() {
  return (
    <Modal isOpen={isOpen} onClose={onCloseModal}>
        <ModalHeader>Choose Wallet</ModalHeader>
        <ModalCloseButton />
          {{ walletName, connect }) => (
              onClick={() => connect}
function CosmosApp() {
  return (
      walletModal={MyModal} // Provide walletModal
      <YourWalletRelatedComponents />


Type: NameServiceName = string;

Currently two name services are registered: 'icns' and 'stargaze'. The default name service is icns. This property is only used in getNameService of useManager when prarameter chainName is undefined, and in useNameService when the prarameter name is not provided. Otherwise it will return the name service object corresponding to provided chain. Therefore it won't affect getNameService method returned by useChain, since chainName is always provide in useChain.


Optional property. Define preferred endpoints for each chain.

Type: EndpointOptions

Note: From @cosmos-kit/core@1.2.1 EndpointOptions type changes a little bit

export type ChainName = string;
export interface ExtendedHttpEndpoint extends HttpEndpoint {
  isLazy?: boolean;
export interface Endpoints {
  rpc?: (string | ExtendedHttpEndpoint)[];
  rest?: (string | ExtendedHttpEndpoint)[];
  isLazy?: boolean;
// Expired Type: `type EndpointOptions = Record<ChainName, Endpoints>`
export interface EndpointOptions {
  isLazy?: boolean;
  endpoints?: Record<ChainName, Endpoints>;


    endpoints: {
      cosmoshub: {
        rpc: ['']


isLazy Explanation:

isLazy is used to control endpoints validation (get the fastest one when first validating).

  • When isLazy is false, will do endpoints validation
  • When isLazy is true, will disable endpoints validation
  • When isLazy is undefined, will inherit higher level explicitly set isLazy. If none is explicitly set, will do endpoints validation

There are four levels of isLazy setting.

Four Levels of isLazy:

  1. Global isLazy: isLazy in EndpointOptions is the highest level with the lowerst priority, which is meant to globally control all endpoints.

  2. Chain isLazy: isLazy in Endpoints will control all endpoints for a particular chain. If isLazy in EndpointOptions and isLazy in Endpoints are all set and don't agree, the latter predominates.

  3. Endpoint isLazy: isLazy in ExtendedHttpEndpoint only controls the one in ExtendedHttpEndpoint object. For signing or broadcasting a transaction, this one is the lowerst level and with the highest priority.

  4. Parameter isLazy: isLazy in getRpcEndpoint and getRestEndpoint prarameters. It also globally controls all endpoints. (Note: this one only affects getting endpoint functions with the highest priority, but won't affect signing or broadcasting a transaction.)

The calculation of final isLazy can be seen here (opens in a new tab).

isLazy Examples:

  • Disabling all endpoints validation
  isLazy: true
  • Disabling cosmoshub endpoints validation
  cosmoshub: {
    isLazy: true
  • Disabling a particular endpoint validation
  cosmoshub: {
    rpc: [{
      url: '',
      isLazy: true,


Define connection session options.

Type: SessionOptions

export interface SessionOptions {
  duration: number; // ms
  callback?: () => void; // when session expires


const sessionOptions: SessionOptions = {
  duration: 1800000, // half an hour
  callback: () => {
    this.mainWallets.forEach((w) => w.disconnectAll(false));


Optional property.

import * as React from "react";
import { Chain } from "@chain-registry/types";
import { chains } from "chain-registry";
import { GasPrice } from "@cosmjs/stargate";
import { getSigningCosmosClientOptions } from "interchain";
import { SignerOptions } from "@cosmos-kit/core";
import { ChainProvider } from "@cosmos-kit/react";
import { wallets } from '@cosmos-kit/keplr';
// construct signer options
const signerOptions: SignerOptions = {
  signingStargate: (chain: Chain) => {
    // return corresponding stargate options or undefined
    return getSigningCosmosClientOptions();
  signingCosmwasm: (chain: Chain) => {
    // return corresponding cosmwasm options or undefined
    switch (chain.chain_name) {
      case "osmosis":
        return {
          gasPrice: GasPrice.fromString("0.0025uosmo"),
      case "juno":
        return {
          gasPrice: GasPrice.fromString("0.0025ujuno"),
  preferredSignType: (chain: Chain) => {
    // `preferredSignType` determines which signer is preferred for `getOfflineSigner` method. By default `amino`. It might affect the `OfflineSigner` used in `signingStargateClient` and `signingCosmwasmClient`. But if only one signer is provided, `getOfflineSigner` will always return this signer, `preferredSignType` won't affect anything.
    return 'amino';
function CosmosApp() {
  return (
      signerOptions={signerOptions} // Provide signerOptions
      <YourWalletRelatedComponents />


Optional property. By default WARN.

Type: 'TRACE' | 'DEBUG' | 'INFO' | 'WARN' | 'ERROR' | 'NONE'

Will disable logs lower than the value of logLevel (The log level order is the same with the order above).

If logLevel is NONE, no logs would be printed.


Optional property. By default false.

Type: boolean | 'connect_only'

If set true, will throw error when wallet status to be WalletStatus.Error, WalletStatus.Rejected or WalletStatus.NotExist, or wallet client status to be State.Error.

If set connect_only, will only throw connect errors.


Optional property. By default true.

Type: boolean

If set false, will NOT subscribe registered connectEventNamesOnWindow and connectEventNamesOnClient in wallet registry.

Optional Properties Only for Default Modal

These properties only exist in ChainProvider from @cosmos-kit/react, and only counts when property walletModal is undefined.


Optional property to customize default modal theme.


type ThemeCustomizationProps = Pick<
  // This type comes from @interchain-ui/react
  "defaultTheme" | "overrides" | "themeDefs" | "customTheme"


Optional property of type ModalViews.


type ModalViewImpl = {
  head: React.ReactNode;
  content: React.ReactNode;
type ModalViewImplGetter = (
  props: WalletViewProps | WalletListViewProps
) => ModalViewImpl;
type ModalViews = {
  Connecting?: (props: WalletViewProps) => ModalViewImplGetter;
  Connected?: (props: WalletViewProps) => ModalViewImplGetter;
  Error?: (props: WalletViewProps) => ModalViewImplGetter;
  NotExist?: (props: WalletViewProps) => ModalViewImplGetter;
  Rejected?: (props: WalletViewProps) => ModalViewImplGetter;
  QRCode?: (props: WalletViewProps) => ModalViewImplGetter;
} & {
  WalletList?: (props: WalletListViewProps) => JSX.Element;
export interface WalletViewProps {
  onClose: () => void;
  onReturn: () => void;
  wallet: ChainWalletBase;
export interface WalletListViewProps {
  onClose: () => void;
  wallets: ChainWalletBase[];

customize modal with modalViews

Example of using self-defined modal views.


import * as React from 'react';
import { ChainProvider } from '@cosmos-kit/react';
// Define Modal Connected View Component
const ConnectedView = ({
}: WalletViewProps) => {
  const {
    walletInfo: { prettyName },
  } = wallet;
  return <div>{`${prettyName}/${username}/${address}`}</div>;
function CosmosApp() {
  return (
      walletModal={undefined} // `modalViews` only counts when `walletModal` is `undefined`
        Connected: ConnectedView,
      <YourWalletRelatedComponents />


  • mobile.displayQRCodeEveryTime

    By default false. When set true, it'll cause all existing pairings be removed everytime wallet is disconnected. It corresponds to the DisconnectOptions.walletconnect.removeAllPairings in disconnect method.


Optional property. By default false, which means on mobile only wallets with registry value of mobileDisabled (or returned value of mobileDisabled function) is false or undefined be displayed on wallet list page of default modal.

For example, most extension wallets are set mobileDisabled true. Therefore you can't see extension wallets on mobile by default. If you want to see all wallets on mobile, set includeAllWalletsOnMobile true;